Saturday, December 24, 2011


begins in the living heart
and continues to radiate outward
giving and receiving 
in the depths of the soul
where an eternal life fire burns
the true gift of the spirit

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

A Cold Rock in the Center . . .

       Tonight . . .
               the full moon stares down with a stillness that
                                       is as hard as ice . . a cold rock sailing
                       toward his destiny . . . a silver pearl,
he hides himself in the shadow of the round belly
                                                        of his world . . and
                    turning blood red . .  he blushes at his folly . . .
soon drifting away . . .
                            yet now
                                      my moon is sailing behind a bank of fog . . .
               a tenuous thing and yet like a veil
                             or a misty shroud . .  these clouds will deny the eyes
          the knowledge of vision . . . and the thing that
                        is not seen . .  ceases to exist . ..

                              an ivory figurine
                   motionless . . . forgotten . ..
    sits in a dusty corner
                           like an old tooth
                                         she fades away
              in shades of yellow;
                              lost in her slumber
           she dreams down slender roads
                            the dust of long lost hopes
   flying up from beneath her moving feet . .
                  her amber colored flesh peels away
          like wings . . .
                         like the pages of a book

                    like the leaves of an autumn tree ..
                      lifting . .  fluttering
                             anticipating a breeze

                 the bare bones of memories . . .
                                         driving ever upward . . . 

          There are whispers in the wind
                        the moon is sighing . . .
                                       his light drips thickly

                                                  like silver tears
                                                          from the leaves of the ivy . . .
                      their tendrils burrow down into the
         heart of the tall black pine .  .  .  shadows dark. . .
                                  invisible points concealed beneath the roots . . .
                resins scenting the air . . . with the wispiness of smoke . . .
                                     something is
                      hidden deeply
      longing to be free . .
                    beating like a heart throbbing . . .
                                    like bloody hands scrabbling. . .
                   like fingernails clawing. . .

somewhere is heard a distant melody . . .
                a window slowly opens and
a thousand birds fly free . . .
         wings exhausted,
                            feathers filling slowly
with silky winds . . .

         parachutes ripe with the fullness of  desire

there is the sky
there is the endless sky
and in the center . . .
an eternity . . .